
[ lists ]
/ lɪsts /

noun (used with a singular or plural verb)

an enclosed arena for a tilting contest.
the barriers enclosing this arena.
any place or scene of combat, competition, controversy, etc.

Idioms for lists

    enter the lists, to involve oneself in a conflict or contest: to enter the lists against the protective tariff.

Origin of lists

1350–1400; Middle English listes, plural of liste list2

Definition for lists (2 of 6)

list 1
[ list ]
/ lɪst /


verb (used with object)

verb (used without object)

to be offered for sale, as in a catalog, at a specified price: This radio lists at $49.95.
Archaic. enlist.

Origin of list

1595–1605; special use of list2 (roll of names, perhaps orig. of contestants in the lists); compare French liste < Italian lista roll of names, earlier, band, strip (e.g., of paper), border < Old High German (German Leiste)


1 register. List, catalog, inventory, roll, schedule imply a definite arrangement of items. List denotes a series of names, items, or figures arranged in a row or rows: a list of groceries. Catalog adds the idea of alphabetical or other orderly arrangement, and, often, descriptive particulars and details: a library catalog. An inventory is a detailed descriptive list of property, stock, goods, or the like made for legal or business purposes: a store inventory. A roll is a list of names of members of some defined group often used to ascertain their presence or absence: a class roll. A schedule is a methodical (especially official) list, often indicating the time or sequence of certain events: a train schedule.
7 record, catalog.
8 enroll.

Definition for lists (3 of 6)

list 2
[ list ]
/ lɪst /



made of selvages or strips of cloth.

verb (used with object)

Origin of list

before 900; Middle English lista, Old English līst border; cognate with Dutch lijst, German Leiste (Old High German līsta)

Definition for lists (4 of 6)

list 3
[ list ]
/ lɪst /


a careening, or leaning to one side, as of a ship.

verb (used without object)

(of a ship or boat) to incline to one side; careen: The ship listed to starboard.

verb (used with object)

to cause (a vessel) to incline to one side: The shifting of the cargo listed the ship to starboard.

Origin of list

First recorded in 1620–30; origin uncertain

Definition for lists (5 of 6)

list 4
[ list ]
/ lɪst /

verb (used with object)

to please.
to like or desire.

verb (used without object)

to like; wish; choose.

Origin of list

before 900; Middle English listen, lusten, Old English ( ge)lystan to please; cognate with German gelüsten, Old Norse lysta to desire, akin to Gothic lustōn to desire. See lust

Definition for lists (6 of 6)

list 5
[ list ]
/ lɪst /

verb (used without object)

to listen.

verb (used with object)

to listen to.

Origin of list

before 900; Middle English listen, Old English hlystan to listen, hear, derivative of hlyst ear; cognate with Swedish lysta; akin to Old Norse hlusta to listen. See listen

Example sentences from the Web for lists

British Dictionary definitions for lists (1 of 6)

/ (lɪsts) /

pl n

  1. the enclosed field of combat at a tournament
  2. the barriers enclosing the field at a tournament
any arena or scene of conflict, controversy, etc
enter the lists to engage in a conflict, controversy, etc

Word Origin for lists

C14: plural of list ² (border, boundary)

British Dictionary definitions for lists (2 of 6)

list 1
/ (lɪst) /



Derived forms of list

listable, adjective

Word Origin for list

C17: from French, ultimately related to list ²; compare Italian lista list of names (earlier: border, strip, as of paper), Old High German līsta border

British Dictionary definitions for lists (3 of 6)

list 2
/ (lɪst) /


(esp of ships) to lean over or cause to lean over to one side


the act or an instance of leaning to one side

Word Origin for list

C17: origin unknown

British Dictionary definitions for lists (4 of 6)

list 3
/ (lɪst) /


verb (tr)

See also lists

Word Origin for list

Old English līst; related to Old High German līsta

British Dictionary definitions for lists (5 of 6)

list 4
/ (lɪst) archaic /


to be pleasing to (a person)
(tr) to desire or choose


a liking or desire

Word Origin for list

Old English lystan; related to Old High German lusten and Gothic lūston to desire

British Dictionary definitions for lists (6 of 6)

list 5
/ (lɪst) /


an archaic or poetic word for listen

Word Origin for list

Old English hlystan; related to Old Norse hlusta

Idioms and Phrases with lists


see black list; enter the lists; sucker list.