
[ en-list ]
/ ɛnˈlɪst /

verb (used without object)

to enroll, usually voluntarily, for military service: He decided to enlist in the Marines.
to enter into some cause, enterprise, etc.

verb (used with object)

to engage for military service: to enlist men for the army.
to secure (a person, services, etc.) for some cause, enterprise, etc.: They enlisted us to serve as ushers at the meeting.

Origin of enlist

First recorded in 1690–1700; en-1 + list1


en·list·er, noun pre·en·list, verb un·en·list·ed, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for enlist

British Dictionary definitions for enlist

/ (ɪnˈlɪst) /


to enter or persuade to enter into an engagement to serve in the armed forces
(tr) to engage or secure (a person, his services, or his support) for a venture, cause, etc
(intr foll by in) to enter into or join an enterprise, cause, etc

Derived forms of enlist

enlister, noun enlistment, noun