Idioms for hold

Origin of hold

before 900; Middle English holden, Old English h(e)aldan; cognate with Old Frisian, Old Norse halda, Old Saxon, Gothic haldan, Old High German haltan (German halten)

synonym study for hold

8. See have. 9. See contain. 11. See maintain.


hold·a·ble, adjective

British Dictionary definitions for hold down (1 of 3)

hold down

verb (tr, adverb)

to restrain or control
informal to manage to retain or keep possession of to hold down two jobs at once

British Dictionary definitions for hold down (2 of 3)

hold 1
/ (həʊld) /

verb holds, holding or held (hɛld)


Derived forms of hold

holdable, adjective

Word Origin for hold

Old English healdan; related to Old Norse halla, Gothic haldan, German halten

British Dictionary definitions for hold down (3 of 3)

hold 2
/ (həʊld) /


the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo

Word Origin for hold

C16: variant of hole

Idioms and Phrases with hold down (1 of 2)

hold down


Also, keep down. Limit, restrain, as in Please hold down the noise. [First half of 1500s] Also see keep down.


Work at or discharge one's duties satisfactorily, as in He managed to hold down two jobs at the same time. [Colloquial; 1800s]

Idioms and Phrases with hold down (2 of 2)
