
[ ad-min-uh-ster ]
/ ædˈmɪn ə stər /

verb (used with object)

verb (used without object)

to contribute assistance; bring aid or supplies (usually followed by to): to administer to the poor.
to perform the duties of an administrator: She administers quite effectively.

Origin of administer

1325–75; < Latin administrāre to assist, carry out, manage the affairs of (see ad-, minister); replacing Middle English amynistre (with a-5) < Middle French aministrer

synonym study for administer

1. See rule.


Example sentences from the Web for administer

British Dictionary definitions for administer

/ (ədˈmɪnɪstə) /

verb (mainly tr)

(also intr) to direct or control (the affairs of a business, government, etc)
to put into execution; dispense administer justice
(when intr, foll by to) to give or apply (medicine, assistance, etc) as a remedy or relief
to apply formally; perform to administer extreme unction
to supervise or impose the taking of (an oath, etc)
to manage or distribute (an estate, property, etc)

Word Origin for administer

C14: amynistre, via Old French from Latin administrare, from ad- to + ministrāre to minister