
[ vik-tuh-ree, vik-tree ]
/ ˈvɪk tə ri, ˈvɪk tri /

noun, plural vic·to·ries.

a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war.
an engagement ending in such triumph: American victories in the Pacific were won at great cost.
the ultimate and decisive superiority in any battle or contest: The new vaccine effected a victory over poliomyelitis.
a success or superior position achieved against any opponent, opposition, difficulty, etc.: a moral victory.
(initial capital letter) the ancient Roman goddess Victoria, often represented in statues or on coins as the personification of victory.

Origin of victory

1275–1325; Middle English victorie < Latin victōria, equivalent to victōr-, stem of victor victor + -ia -y3


3 Victory, conquest, triumph refer to a successful outcome of a struggle. Victory suggests the decisive defeat of an opponent in a contest of any kind: victory in battle; a football victory. Conquest implies the taking over of control by the victor, and the obedience of the conquered: a war of conquest; the conquest of Peru. Triumph implies a particularly outstanding victory: the triumph of a righteous cause; the triumph of justice.


vic·to·ry·less, adjective non·vic·to·ry, noun, plural non·vic·to·ries. su·per·vic·to·ry, noun, plural su·per·vic·to·ries.

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British Dictionary definitions for victory (1 of 2)

/ (ˈvɪktərɪ) /

noun plural -ries

final and complete superiority in a war
a successful military engagement
a success attained in a contest or struggle or over an opponent, obstacle, or problem
the act of triumphing or state of having triumphed

Word Origin for victory

C14: from Old French victorie, from Latin victōria, from vincere to subdue

British Dictionary definitions for victory (2 of 2)

/ (ˈvɪktərɪ) /


another name (in English) for Victoria 3
another name (in English) for Nike

Idioms and Phrases with victory


see pyrrhic victory.