He is a narcissistic rogue who is utterly convinced of his own brilliance and superiority to those around him.
But an insecure majority constantly seeks confirmation of its own superiority by searching for inferiorities in others.
On the other, superiority, disdain, guilt, and a fear of being befriended or loved for all the wrong reasons.
Sorkin said he thinks the public is "eating our heroes alive" with snarky tweets and expressions of superiority.
He could be unbearably glib, but his patrician persona and acid tongue, his radiating sense of superiority, made for good showbiz.
Sufficient has been said to prove the superiority of spiritual life over the whole aspects and manifestations of Nature.
There is also apparently no superiority in brain weight in modern over ancient times.
Both before and after the fall, the superiority of Adam is diligently sustained.
He possessed dignity without aloofness, a rare combination, and one that invariably indicates a true feeling of superiority.
The spirit and superiority of the conversation were worthy of the people assembled.