
[ trap-ingz ]
/ ˈtræp ɪŋz /

noun (used with a plural verb)

articles of equipment or dress, especially of an ornamental character.
conventional adornment; characteristic signs: trappings of democracy.
Sometimes trapping. an ornamental covering for a horse; caparison.

Origin of trappings

Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at trap2, -ing1, -s3

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British Dictionary definitions for trappings

/ (ˈtræpɪŋz) /

pl n

the accessories and adornments that characterize or symbolize a condition, office, etc the visible trappings of success
a ceremonial harness for a horse or other animal, including bridles, saddles, etc

Word Origin for trappings

C16: from trap ²