
or To·ki·o

[ toh-kee-oh; Japanese taw-kyaw ]
/ ˈtoʊ kiˌoʊ; Japanese ˈtɔ kyɔ /


a seaport in and the capital of Japan, on Tokyo Bay: one of the world's largest cities; destructive earthquake and fire 1923; signing of the Japanese surrender document aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, September 2, 1945.
Formerly Edo, Yeddo, Yedo.


To·ky·o·ite, noun

Definition for tokyo (2 of 2)

[ juh-pan ]
/ dʒəˈpæn /


a constitutional monarchy on a chain of islands off the E coast of Asia: main islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. 141,529 sq. mi. (366,560 sq. km). Capital: Tokyo. Japanese Nihon, Nippon.
Sea of, the part of the Pacific Ocean between Japan and mainland Asia.

Example sentences from the Web for tokyo

British Dictionary definitions for tokyo (1 of 3)

/ (ˈtəʊkjəʊ, -kɪˌəʊ) /


the capital of Japan, a port on SE Honshu on Tokyo Bay (an inlet of the Pacific): part of the largest conurbation in the world (the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area) of over 35 million people; major industrial centre and the chief cultural centre of Japan. Pop (city proper): 8 025 538 (2002 est)

British Dictionary definitions for tokyo (2 of 3)

/ (dʒəˈpæn) /


a glossy durable black lacquer originally from the Orient, used on wood, metal, etc
work decorated and varnished in the Japanese manner
a liquid used as a paint drier


relating to or varnished with japan

verb -pans, -panning or -panned

(tr) to lacquer with japan or any similar varnish

British Dictionary definitions for tokyo (3 of 3)

/ (dʒəˈpæn) /


an archipelago and empire in E Asia, extending for 3200 km (2000 miles) between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific and consisting of the main islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu and over 3000 smaller islands: feudalism abolished in 1871, followed by industrialization and expansion of territories, esp during World Wars I and II, when most of SE Asia came under Japanese control; dogma of the emperor's divinity abolished in 1946 under a new democratic constitution; rapid economic growth has made Japan the most industrialized nation in the Far East. Official language: Japanese. Religion: Shintoist majority, large Buddhist minority. Currency: yen. Capital: Tokyo. Pop: 127 253 075 (2013 est). Area: 369 660 sq km (142 726 sq miles) Japanese names: Nippon, Nihon

Cultural definitions for tokyo (1 of 2)


Capital of Japan and largest city in the country, located on the island of Honshu at the head of Tokyo Bay; the administrative, financial, educational, and cultural center of Japan.

notes for Tokyo

The world's largest city, Tokyo is also among its most modern.

notes for Tokyo

It was heavily damaged by Allied bombing during World War II.

notes for Tokyo

Tokyo became the capital of the Japanese Empire in 1868 when Japan began a period of intensive modernization.

Cultural definitions for tokyo (2 of 2)


Island nation in the northwest Pacific Ocean off the coast of east Asia, separated by the Sea of Japan from Russian Siberia, China, and Korea. The Japanese archipelago includes four major islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku) as well as many smaller islands. Its capital and largest city is Tokyo.

notes for Japan

Called the “Land of the Rising Sun,” Japan is symbolized by a red sun on a white background.

notes for Japan

Another symbol (see also symbol) of Japan is Fujiyama, also called Mount Fuji, a volcano whose symmetrical snow-capped peak has been the object of countless pilgrimages, poems, and paintings. It has not erupted since 1707.

notes for Japan

Imperial Japan was organized on a feudal system ( see feudalism), characterized by the samurai (the warrior class, which eventually became landed gentry) and the shogun (the hereditary administrative leader). The emperor, believed to be divine, was the ceremonial leader. Japan is a constitutional monarchy today.

notes for Japan

Japan's ports were first opened to Western traders in the sixteenth century but were closed in the seventeenth century. Japan remained in virtual isolation until the 1850s, when an American naval officer, Matthew C. Perry, persuaded the government to reopen trade with the West.

notes for Japan

Suffering from overcrowding, lack of natural resources, and the influence of powerful military factions, Japan pursued an aggressive policy of expansion in China during the 1930s, ultimately resulting in a military alliance with Germany and Italy to form the Axis powers in World War II. ( See also Hiroshima (see also Hiroshima), Pearl Harbor, and Douglas MacArthur.)

notes for Japan

Although a world leader in shipbuilding, electronics, and automobile manufacture, Japan's economy suffered a severe slump during the 1990s.