
[ dih-zahyuh rd ]
/ dɪˈzaɪərd /


yearned or wished for; coveted.
deemed correct or proper; selected; required: The chef added stock until the sauce reached the desired consistency.

Origin of desired

Middle English word dating back to 1250–1300; see origin at desire, -ed2


un·de·sired, adjective well-de·sired, adjective

Definition for desired (2 of 2)

[ dih-zahyuhr ]
/ dɪˈzaɪər /

verb (used with object), de·sired, de·sir·ing.

to wish or long for; crave; want.
to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request: The mayor desires your presence at the next meeting.


a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: a desire for fame.
an expressed wish; request.
something desired.
sexual appetite or a sexual urge.

Origin of desire

1200–50; Middle English desiren < Old French desirer < Latin dēsīderāre; see desiderate

synonym study for desire

1. See wish. 3. Desire, craving, longing, yearning suggest feelings that impel one to the attainment or possession of something. Desire is a strong feeling, worthy or unworthy, that impels to the attainment or possession of something that is (in reality or imagination) within reach: a desire for success. Craving implies a deep and imperative wish for something, based on a sense of need and hunger: a craving for food, companionship. A longing is an intense wish, generally repeated or enduring, for something that is at the moment beyond reach but may be attainable at some future time: a longing to visit Europe. Yearning suggests persistent, uneasy, and sometimes wistful or tender longing: a yearning for one's native land.


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British Dictionary definitions for desired

/ (dɪˈzaɪə) /

verb (tr)

to wish or long for; crave; want
to express a wish or make a request for; ask for


a wish or longing; craving
an expressed wish; request
sexual appetite; lust
a person or thing that is desired

Other words from desire

Related adjective: orectic

Derived forms of desire

desirer, noun

Word Origin for desire

C13: from Old French desirer, from Latin dēsīderāre to desire earnestly; see desiderate

Idioms and Phrases with desired


see leave a lot to be desired.