
[ dee-fawr-ist, -for- ]
/ diˈfɔr ɪst, -ˈfɒr- /

verb (used with object)

to divest or clear of forests or trees: Poor planning deforested the area in ten years.

Origin of deforest

First recorded in 1530–40; de- + forest


de·for·est·a·tion, noun de·for·est·er, noun

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British Dictionary definitions for deforestation

/ (diːˈfɒrɪst) /


(tr) to clear of trees Also: disforest

Derived forms of deforest

deforestation, noun deforester, noun

Scientific definitions for deforestation (1 of 2)

[ dē-fôr′ĭ-stāshən ]

The cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area. Deforestation can erode soils, contribute to desertification and the pollution of waterways, and decrease biodiversity through the destruction of habitat.

Scientific definitions for deforestation (2 of 2)

[ dĭ-fôrĭst ]
Lee 1873-1961

American electrical engineer and inventor who is known as "the father of radio." He patented more than 300 inventions, including the triode electron tube, which made it possible to amplify and detect radio waves.

Cultural definitions for deforestation

[ (dee-fawr-uh-stay-shuhn) ]

The process of destroying a forest and replacing it with something else. The term is used today to refer to the destruction of forests by human beings and their replacement by agricultural systems.

notes for deforestation

Deforestation is considered to be a main contributor to the greenhouse effect.