
[ kuh n-furmd ]
/ kənˈfɜrmd /


made certain as to truth, accuracy, validity, availability, etc.: confirmed reports of new fighting at the front; confirmed reservations on the three o'clock flight to Denver.
settled; ratified.
firmly established in a habit or condition; inveterate: a confirmed bachelor.
given additional determination; made resolute.
having received the religious rite of confirmation.

Origin of confirmed

First recorded in 1350–1400, confirmed is from the Middle English word confermyd. See confirm, -ed2


con·firm·ed·ly [kuh n-fuhr-mid-lee] /kənˈfʌr mɪd li/, adverb con·firm·ed·ness [kuh n-fur-mid-nis, -furmd-] /kənˈfɜr mɪd nɪs, -ˈfɜrmd-/, noun un·con·firmed, adjective well-con·firmed, adjective

Definition for confirmed (2 of 2)

[ kuhn-furm ]
/ kənˈfɜrm /

verb (used with object)

to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report confirms my suspicions.
to acknowledge with definite assurance: Did the hotel confirm our room reservation?
to make valid or binding by some formal or legal act; sanction; ratify: to confirm a treaty; to confirm her appointment to the Supreme Court.
to make firm or more firm; add strength to; settle or establish firmly: Their support confirmed my determination to run for mayor.
to strengthen (a person) in habit, resolution, opinion, etc.: The accident confirmed him in his fear of driving.
to administer the religious rite of confirmation to.

Origin of confirm

1250–1300; < Latin confirmāre to strengthen, confirm (see con-, firm1); replacing Middle English confermen < Old French < Latin, as above


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British Dictionary definitions for confirmed (1 of 2)

/ (kənˈfɜːmd) /


(prenominal) long-established in a habit, way of life, etc a confirmed bachelor
having received the rite of confirmation
(of a disease) another word for chronic

Derived forms of confirmed

confirmedly (kənˈfɜːmɪdlɪ), adverb confirmedness (kənˈfɜːmɪdnɪs, -ˈfɜːmd-), noun

British Dictionary definitions for confirmed (2 of 2)

/ (kənˈfɜːm) /

verb (tr)

(may take a clause as object) to prove to be true or valid; corroborate; verify
(may take a clause as object) to assert for a second or further time, so as to make more definite he confirmed that he would appear in court
to strengthen or make more firm his story confirmed my doubts
to make valid by a formal act or agreement; ratify
to administer the rite of confirmation to

Derived forms of confirm

confirmable, adjective confirmatory or confirmative, adjective confirmer, noun

Word Origin for confirm

C13: from Old French confermer, from Latin confirmāre, from firmus firm 1