Idioms for clear

    in the clear,
    1. absolved of blame or guilt; free: He was suspected of the theft, but evidence put him in the clear.
    2. en clair.

Origin of clear

1250–1300; Middle English clere < Anglo-French, Old French cler < Latin clārus

synonym study for clear

3. See clean.


British Dictionary definitions for clear out (1 of 2)

clear out

verb (adverb)

(intr) informal to go away: often used imperatively
(tr) to remove and sort the contents of (a room, container, etc)
(tr) slang to leave (someone) with no money
(tr) slang to exhaust (stocks, goods, etc) completely
(tr) to get rid of (employees, players, etc, that are no longer required)

noun clear-out

the act or an instance of clearing out

British Dictionary definitions for clear out (2 of 2)

Derived forms of clear

clearable, adjective clearer, noun clearness, noun

Word Origin for clear

C13 clere, from Old French cler, from Latin clārus clear, bright, brilliant, illustrious

Idioms and Phrases with clear out (1 of 2)

clear out


Also, clear away or off. Remove the contents, take something or someone away, as in I'll clear out this closet so you can use it, or Let me clear away these things, or Please clear off the table. The first phrase dates from the mid-1600s, the second from the mid-1700s, and the third from the early 1700s. Sometimes away and out are omitted, as in Let me clear these things, or Please clear the table. Also see clean up, def. 1.


Depart suddenly or run away, as in We cleared out before our landlord could stop us. [Early 1800s]


Drive or force out, as in The police cleared out the restaurant in no time. [Mid-1800s]

Idioms and Phrases with clear out (2 of 2)
