Idioms for bridge

    burn one's bridges (behind one), to eliminate all possibilities of retreat; make one's decision irrevocable: She burned her bridges when she walked out angrily.

Origin of bridge

before 1000; Middle English brigge, Old English brycg; cognate with Dutch brug, German Brücke; akin to Old Norse bryggja pier



Example sentences from the Web for unbridgeable

British Dictionary definitions for unbridgeable (1 of 3)

/ (brɪdʒ) /


Frank . 1879–1941, English composer, esp of chamber music. He taught Benjamin Britten

British Dictionary definitions for unbridgeable (2 of 3)

bridge 1
/ (brɪdʒ) /


verb (tr)

to build or provide a bridge over something; span to bridge a river
to connect or reduce the distance between let us bridge our differences

Derived forms of bridge

bridgeable, adjective bridgeless, adjective

Word Origin for bridge

Old English brycg; related to Old Norse bryggja gangway, Old Frisian bregge, Old High German brucka, Danish, Swedish bro

British Dictionary definitions for unbridgeable (3 of 3)

bridge 2
/ (brɪdʒ) /


a card game for four players, based on whist, in which one hand (the dummy) is exposed and the trump suit decided by bidding between the players See also contract bridge, duplicate bridge, rubber bridge, auction bridge

Word Origin for bridge

C19: of uncertain origin, but compare Turkish bir-üç (unattested phrase) one-three (said perhaps to refer to the one exposed hand and the three players' hands)

Medical definitions for unbridgeable

[ brĭj ]


An anatomical structure resembling a bridge or span.
The upper part of the ridge of the nose formed by the nasal bones.
A fixed or removable replacement for one or several but not all of the natural teeth, usually anchored at each end to a natural tooth.
One of the threads of protoplasm that appears to pass from one cell to another.

Scientific definitions for unbridgeable

[ brĭj ]

A structure spanning and providing passage over a gap or barrier, such as a river or roadway.

Idioms and Phrases with unbridgeable


see burn one's bridges; cross that bridge when one comes to it; water over the dam (under the bridge).