[ trezh-uh-ree ]
/ ˈtrɛʒ ə ri /
noun, plural treas·ur·ies.
a place where the funds of the government, of a corporation, or the like are deposited, kept, and disbursed.
funds or revenue of a government, public or private corporation, etc.
(initial capital letter)
the department of government that has control over the collection, management, and disbursement of the public revenue.
a building, room, chest, or other place for the preservation of treasure or valuable objects.
a collection or supply of excellent or highly prized writings, works of art, etc.: a treasury of American poetry.
Treasuries, Informal.
Treasury bills, bonds, and notes.
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British Dictionary definitions for treasury (1 of 2)
/ (ˈtrɛʒərɪ) /
noun plural -uries
a storage place for treasure
the revenues or funds of a government, private organization, or individual
a place where funds are kept and disbursed
Also: treasure house
a collection or source of valuable items
a treasury of information
Word Origin for treasury
C13: from Old French
tresorie, from
tresor treasure
British Dictionary definitions for treasury (2 of 2)
/ (ˈtrɛʒərɪ) /
(in various countries) the government department in charge of finance. In Britain the Treasury is also responsible for economic strategy