
[ ter-er ]
/ ˈtɛr ər /


intense, sharp, overmastering fear: to be frantic with terror.
an instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety; quality of causing terror: to be a terror to evildoers.
any period of frightful violence or bloodshed likened to the Reign of Terror in France.
violence or threats of violence used for intimidation or coercion; terrorism.
Informal. a person or thing that is especially annoying or unpleasant.

Origin of terror

1325–75; < Latin, equivalent to terr(ēre) to frighten + -or -or1; replacing Middle English terrour < Anglo-French < Latin, as above


1 alarm, dismay, consternation. Terror, horror, panic, fright all imply extreme fear in the presence of danger or evil. Terror implies an intense fear that is somewhat prolonged and may refer to imagined or future dangers: frozen with terror. Horror implies a sense of shock at a danger that is also evil, and the danger may be to others rather than to oneself: to recoil in horror. Panic and fright both imply a sudden shock of fear. Fright is usually of short duration: a spasm of fright. Panic is uncontrolled and unreasoning fear, often groundless, that may be prolonged: The mob was in a panic.


ter·ror·ful, adjective ter·ror·less, adjective coun·ter·ter·ror, noun

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British Dictionary definitions for terror

/ (ˈtɛrə) /


great fear, panic, or dread
a person or thing that inspires great dread
informal a troublesome person or thing, esp a child

Derived forms of terror

terrorful, adjective terrorless, adjective

Word Origin for terror

C14: from Old French terreur, from Latin terror, from terrēre to frighten; related to Greek trein to run away in terror

Idioms and Phrases with terror


see holy terror.