
[ tek-neek ]
/ tɛkˈnik /


the manner and ability with which an artist, writer, dancer, athlete, or the like employs the technical skills of a particular art or field of endeavor.
the body of specialized procedures and methods used in any specific field, especially in an area of applied science.
method of performance; way of accomplishing.
technical skill; ability to apply procedures or methods so as to effect a desired result.
Informal. method of projecting personal charm, appeal, etc.: He has the greatest technique with customers.

Origin of technique

1810–20; < French: technical (adj.), technic (noun) < Greek technikós, techniká; see technic

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British Dictionary definitions for technique



/ (tɛkˈniːk) /


a practical method, skill, or art applied to a particular task
proficiency in a practical or mechanical skill
special facility; knack he had the technique of turning everything to his advantage

Word Origin for technique

C19: from French, from technique (adj) technic

Medical definitions for technique

[ tĕk-nēk ]


The skill and procedure with which a surgical operation or experiment, for example, is carried out.