
[ key-puh-bil-i-tee ]
/ ˌkeɪ pəˈbɪl ɪ ti /

noun, plural ca·pa·bil·i·ties.

the quality of being capable; capacity; ability: His capability was unquestionable.
the ability to undergo or be affected by a given treatment or action: the capability of glass in resisting heat.
Usually capabilities. qualities, abilities, features, etc., that can be used or developed; potential: Though dilapidated, the house has great capabilities.

Origin of capability

1580–90; (< Middle French capabilité) < Late Latin capābili(s) capable + -ty2


o·ver·ca·pa·bil·i·ty, noun, plural o·ver·ca·pa·bil·i·ties. su·per·ca·pa·bil·i·ty, noun, plural su·per·ca·pa·bil·i·ties.

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British Dictionary definitions for capability

/ (ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪtɪ) /

noun plural -ties

the quality of being capable; ability
the quality of being susceptible to the use or treatment indicated the capability of a metal to be fused
(usually plural) a characteristic that may be developed; potential aptitude