
[ tahy-pey; Chinese tahy-bey ]
/ ˈtaɪˈpeɪ; Chinese ˈtaɪˈbeɪ /

noun Wade-Giles.

a city in and the capital of Taiwan, in the N part.
Also Taibei; Older Spelling, Tai·peh.

Definition for taipei (2 of 3)

[ tahy-wahn ]
/ ˈtaɪˈwɑn /

noun Wade-Giles, Pinyin.

a Chinese island separated from the SE coast of China by Taiwan Strait: a possession of Japan 1895–1945; restored to China 1945; seat of the Republic of China since 1949. Capital: Taipei.
Also called Formosa.

Definition for taipei (3 of 3)

[ chahy-nuh ]
/ ˈtʃaɪ nə /


People's Republic of, a country in E Asia. 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Capital: Beijing.
Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast of mainland China: under Nationalist control since 1948 but claimed by the People's Republic of China. 13,885 sq. mi. (35,960 sq. km). Capital: Taipei.

Example sentences from the Web for taipei

British Dictionary definitions for taipei (1 of 5)



/ (ˈtaɪˈpeɪ) /


the capital of Taiwan (the Republic of China), at the N tip of the island: became capital in 1885; industrial centre; two universities. Pop: 2 473 000 (2005 est)

British Dictionary definitions for taipei (2 of 5)

china 1
/ (ˈtʃaɪnə) /


ceramic ware of a type originally from China
any porcelain or similar ware
cups, saucers, etc, collectively
(modifier) made of china a china tea service

Word Origin for china

C16 chiny, from Persian chīnī

British Dictionary definitions for taipei (3 of 5)

china 2
/ (ˈtʃaɪnə) /


British and Southern African informal a friend or companion

Word Origin for china

C19: originally Cockney rhyming slang: china plate, mate

British Dictionary definitions for taipei (4 of 5)

/ (ˈtʃaɪnə) /


People's Republic of China, Communist China or Red China a republic in E Asia: the third largest and the most populous country in the world; the oldest continuing civilization (beginning over 2000 years bc); republic established in 1911 after the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty by Sun Yat-sen; People's Republic formed in 1949; the 1980s and 1990s saw economic liberalization but a rejection of political reform; contains vast deserts, steppes, great mountain ranges (Himalayas, Kunlun, Tian Shan, and Nan Shan), a central rugged plateau, and intensively cultivated E plains. Language: Chinese in various dialects, the chief of which is Mandarin. Religion: nonreligious majority; Buddhist and Taoist minorities. Currency: yuan. Capital: Beijing. Pop: 1 349 586 000 (2013 est). Area: 9 560 990 sq km (3 691 502 sq miles)
Republic of China, Nationalist China or Taiwan a republic (recognized as independent by only 24 nations) in E Asia occupying the island of Taiwan, 13 nearby islands, and 64 islands of the Penghu (Pescadores) group: established in 1949 by the Nationalist government of China under Chiang Kai-shek after its expulsion by the Communists from the mainland; its territory claimed by the People's Republic of China since the political separation from the mainland; under US protection 1954–79; lost its seat at the UN to the People's Republic of China in 1971; state of war with the People's Republic of China formally ended in 1991, though tensions continue owing to the unresolved territorial claim. Language: Mandarin Chinese. Religion: nonreligious majority, Buddhist and Taoist minorities. Currency: New Taiwan dollar. Capital: Taipei. Pop: 22 610 000 (2003 est). Area: 35 981 sq km (13 892 sq miles) Former name: Formosa

Other words from China

Related adjective: Sinitic

British Dictionary definitions for taipei (5 of 5)

/ (ˈtaɪˈwɑːn) /


an island in SE Asia between the East China Sea and the South China Sea, off the SE coast of the People's Republic of China: the principal territory of the Republic of China; claimed by the People's Republic of China since its political separation from mainland China in the late 1940s. Pop: 23 299 716 (2013 est) Former name: Formosa

Cultural definitions for taipei (1 of 3)

[ (teye-pay, teye-bay) ]

Capital of Taiwan and largest city in the country, located in northern Taiwan.

notes for Taipei

In 1949, Taipei became the headquarters of Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalists, who had been forced to flee mainland China.

Cultural definitions for taipei (2 of 3)


Nation in eastern Asia, bordered by Russia and North Korea to the east; Russia and Mongolia to the north; Russia and Afghanistan to the west; and Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Laos, and Vietnam to the south. Its capital is Beijing, and its largest city is Shanghai.

notes for China

China is the most populous country in the world and the third largest, after Russia and Canada.

notes for China

The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 grew out of strong resentment of foreign influence in China.

notes for China

A revolution in 1911 overthrew the Qing dynasty, ending the two-thousand-year-old imperial system.

notes for China

Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Chinese Nationalists, established the government of Nationalist China (see also Nationalist China) in 1928 in Nanjing.

notes for China

The Second Sino-Japanese War, which lasted from 1937 to 1945 (merging with World War II in 1941), grew out of Japanese encroachments on Chinese land.

notes for China

The Chinese communists, with Mao Zedong as their leader, defeated Chiang's Nationalists in 1949, proclaiming the People's Republic of China. The Nationalists withdrew to the island of Taiwan.

notes for China

In 1950, Chinese forces joined the North Korean army in the Korean War.

notes for China

In 1958, Mao undertook the “Great Leap Forward” campaign, a crash program of industrialization, but none of its goals were reached, and the effort collapsed.

notes for China

In 1960, the ideological split between the Soviet Union and China widened, and the Soviets withdrew all aid.

notes for China

In the mid-1960s, Mao's wife, acting on his behalf, and three colleagues, later known as the Gang of Four, advanced the goals of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, aimed at eliminating old ideas and customs. Mobs attacked schools and cultural centers, brutally disrupting the entire nation. With the death of Mao in 1976 and the trial of the Gang of Four in 1980, the Cultural Revolution came to an end.

notes for China

In 1972, President Richard Nixon visited China, reopening relations between mainland China and the United States.

notes for China

In 1989, the government brutally suppressed pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square.

notes for China

Although China remains officially communist, its government encourages capitalism in designated areas, especially in its southeastern provinces. China has experienced considerable economic development in recent decades. Relations with the United States remain tense, especially over Taiwan, but the United States supported China's admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Cultural definitions for taipei (3 of 3)


Island nation in the Pacific Ocean near the mainland of southern China; seat of the Republic of China. Its capital and largest city is Taipei.

notes for Taiwan

When the Chinese communists came to power on the mainland, the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek and some of his army took refuge on Taiwan.

notes for Taiwan

The United States long supported the Nationalists but broke relations in 1979 to establish relations with the People's Republic of China.

notes for Taiwan

With its first free elections in the 1990s, Taiwan has become a democracy. Its economy is among the strongest in the world.

notes for Taiwan

China refuses to accept Taiwan's independence as a nation, viewing it instead as merely a renegade province of China. This issue continues to complicate relations between the United States and China.