Idioms for stand

Origin of stand

before 900; Middle English standen (v.), Old English standan; cognate with Old Saxon standan, Middle Dutch standen, Old High German stantan, standa, standan; akin to Latin stāre to stand, sistere, Greek histánai to make stand, Sanskrit sthā to stand, Old Irish at-tá (he) is


25 abide, stomach.

synonym study for stand

25. See bear1.

British Dictionary definitions for stand a chance

/ (stænd) /

verb stands, standing or stood (mainly intr)


Derived forms of stand

stander, noun

Word Origin for stand

Old English standan; related to Old Norse standa, Old High German stantan, Latin stāre to stand; see stead

Idioms and Phrases with stand a chance (1 of 2)

stand a chance

Have a possibility or a hope of success, as in Do you think Mary stands a chance of finishing the marathon? or I think we stand a fair chance of seeing the Queen arrive at Buckingham Palace. This idiom was first recorded in 1796. Also see not have an earthly chance.

Idioms and Phrases with stand a chance (2 of 2)
