
[ sprawl ]
/ sprɔl /

verb (used without object)

verb (used with object)

to stretch out (the limbs) as in sprawling.
to spread out or distribute in a straggling manner.


the act or an instance of sprawling; a sprawling posture.
a straggling array of something.

Origin of sprawl

before 1000; Middle English spraulen to move awkwardly, Old English spreawlian; cognate with Frisian (N dial.) spraweli


sprawl·er, noun sprawl·ing·ly, adverb

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British Dictionary definitions for sprawling

/ (sprɔːl) /


(intr) to sit or lie in an ungainly manner with one's limbs spread out
to fall down or knock down with the limbs spread out in an ungainly way
to spread out or cause to spread out in a straggling fashion his handwriting sprawled all over the paper


the act or an instance of sprawling
a sprawling posture or arrangement of items
  1. the urban area formed by the expansion of a town or city into surrounding countrysidethe urban sprawl
  2. the process by which this has happened

Derived forms of sprawl

sprawler, noun sprawly, adjective

Word Origin for sprawl

Old English spreawlian; related to Old English spryttan to sprout, spurt, Greek speirein to scatter