
[ spee-ding ]
/ ˈspi dɪŋ /


the act or practice of exceeding the speed limit: a $50 fine for speeding.

Origin of speeding

1250–1300, for earlier sense “the condition of prospering”; 1905–10 for current sense; Middle English; see speed, -ing1

Definition for speeding (2 of 2)

[ speed ]
/ spid /


verb (used with object), sped or speed·ed, speed·ing.

verb (used without object), sped or speed·ed, speed·ing.

Origin of speed

before 900; 1965–70 for def 6; (noun) Middle English spede good luck, prosperity, rapidity, Old English spēd; cognate with Dutch spoed, Old High German spōt; akin to Old English spōwan to prosper, succeed; (v.) Middle English speden to succeed, prosper, go with speed, Old English spēdan to succeed, prosper; cognate with Old Saxon spōdian, Old High German spuoten


1, 2 fleetness, alacrity, dispatch, expedition; hurry. Speed, velocity, quickness, rapidity, celerity, haste refer to swift or energetic movement or operation. Speed (originally prosperity or success) may apply to human or nonhuman activity and emphasizes the rate in time at which something travels or operates: the speed of light, of a lens, of an automobile, of thought. Velocity, a more learned or technical term, is sometimes interchangeable with speed : the velocity of light; it is commonly used to refer to high rates of speed, linear or circular: velocity of a projectile. Quickness, a native word, and rapidity, a synonym of Latin origin, suggest speed of movement or operation on a small or subordinate scale; quickness applies more to people ( quickness of mind, of perception, of bodily movement ), rapidity more to things, often in a technical or mechanical context: the rapidity of moving parts; a lens of great rapidity. Celerity, a somewhat literary synonym of Latin origin, refers usually to human movement or operation and emphasizes expedition, dispatch, or economy in an activity: the celerity of his response. Haste refers to the energetic activity of human beings under stress; it often suggests lack of opportunity for care or thought: to marry in haste; a report prepared in haste.
9 advance, favor.
11 accelerate.
16 See rush1.


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British Dictionary definitions for speeding

/ (spiːd) /


verb speeds, speeding, sped or speeded

See also speed up

Derived forms of speed

speeder, noun

Word Origin for speed

Old English spēd (originally in the sense: success); related to spōwan to succeed, Latin spēs hope, Old Slavonic spěti to be lucky

Scientific definitions for speeding

[ spēd ]

The ratio of the distance traveled by an object (regardless of its direction) to the time required to travel that distance. Compare velocity.

Idioms and Phrases with speeding
