
[ spes-uh-fi-key-shuhn ]
/ ˌspɛs ə fɪˈkeɪ ʃən /


the act of specifying.
Usually specifications. a detailed description or assessment of requirements, dimensions, materials, etc., as of a proposed building, machine, bridge, etc.
a particular item, aspect, calculation, etc., in such a description.
something specified, as in a bill of particulars; a specified particular, item, or article.
an act of making specific.
the state of having a specific character.

Origin of specification

1605–15; < Medieval Latin specificātiōn- (stem of specificātiō), equivalent to specificāt(us) (past participle of specificāre to mention, describe; see specific, -ate1) + -iōn- -ion

OTHER WORDS FROM specification

non·spec·i·fi·ca·tion, noun pre·spec·i·fi·ca·tion, noun re·spec·i·fi·ca·tion, noun su·per·spec·i·fi·ca·tion, noun

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British Dictionary definitions for specification

/ (ˌspɛsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən) /


the act or an instance of specifying
(in patent law) a written statement accompanying an application for a patent that describes the nature of an invention
a detailed description of the criteria for the constituents, construction, appearance, performance, etc, of a material, apparatus, etc, or of the standard of workmanship required in its manufacture
an item, detail, etc, specified