
[ sok-it ]
/ ˈsɒk ɪt /


a hollow part or piece for receiving and holding some part or thing.
  1. a device intended to hold an electric light bulb mechanically and connect it electrically to circuit wires.
  2. Also called wall socket. a socket placed in a wall to receive a plug that makes an electrical connection with supply wiring.
  1. a hollow in one part that receives another part: the socket of the eye.
  2. the concavity of a joint: the socket of the hip.

verb (used with object)

to place in or fit with a socket.

Origin of socket

1300–50; Middle English soket < Anglo-French, equivalent to Old French soc plowshare (< Gaulish *soccos; compare Welsh swch, Old Irish socc) + -et -et


sock·et·less, adjective un·sock·et·ed, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for socket

/ (ˈsɒkɪt) /


a device into which an electric plug can be inserted in order to make a connection in a circuit
mainly British such a device mounted on a wall and connected to the electricity supply Informal Brit names: point, plug US and Canadian name: outlet
a part with an opening or hollow into which some other part, such as a pipe, probe, etc, can be fitted
a spanner head having a recess suitable to be fitted over the head of a bolt and a keyway into which a wrench can be fitted
  1. a bony hollow into which a part or structure fitsa tooth socket; an eye socket
  2. the receptacle of a ball-and-socket joint


(tr) to furnish with or place into a socket

Word Origin for socket

C13: from Anglo-Norman soket a little ploughshare, from soc, of Celtic origin; compare Cornish soch ploughshare

Medical definitions for socket

[ sŏkĭt ]


The concave part of a joint that receives the articular end of a bone.
A hollow or concavity into which a part, such as an eye fits.