potassium iodide

noun Chemistry, Pharmacology.

a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, KI, having a bitter saline taste: used chiefly in the manufacture of photographic emulsions, as a laboratory reagent, in the preparation of Gram's solution for biological staining, and in medicine as an expectorant and to treat thyroid conditions.

Medical definitions for potassium iodide

potassium iodide


A white crystalline compound used as a source of iodine to treat thyrotoxic crisis and to prevent thyroid cancer in the event of overexposure to nuclear radiation. It is also used as an expectorant and antifungal.

Scientific definitions for potassium iodide

potassium iodide

A white crystalline compound used in photography and medicine and as a reagent in chemical analysis. It is also added to table salt to prevent goiter and other iodide-deficiency disorders. Chemical formula: KI.