
[ pal-is ]
/ ˈpæl ɪs /


the official residence of a king, queen, bishop, or other sovereign or exalted personage.
a large and stately mansion or building.
a large and usually ornate place for entertainment, exhibitions, etc.

Origin of palace

1200–50; Middle English < Medieval Latin palācium, spelling variant of palātium, Latin: generic use of Palātium name of the hill in Rome on which the emperor's palace was situated; replacing Middle English paleis < Old French ≪ Latin Palātium


pal·aced, adjective pal·ace·like, adjective pal·ace·ward, adverb

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British Dictionary definitions for palace

/ (ˈpælɪs) /

noun (capital when part of a name)

the official residence of a reigning monarch or member of a royal family Buckingham Palace
the official residence of various high-ranking church dignitaries or members of the nobility, as of an archbishop
a large and richly furnished building resembling a royal palace

Other words from palace

Related adjectives: palatial, palatine

Word Origin for palace

C13: from Old French palais, from Latin Palātium Palatine ², the site of the palace of the emperors