
[ oh-ver-win-ter ]
/ ˌoʊ vərˈwɪn tər /

verb (used without object)

to pass, spend, or survive the winter: to overwinter on the Riviera.

Origin of overwinter

1890–95; over- + winter; probably translation of Norwegian overvintre

British Dictionary definitions for overwintering

/ (ˌəʊvəˈwɪntə) /


(intr) to spend winter (in or at a particular place)
(tr) to keep (animals or plants) alive through the winter
(intr) (of an animal or plant) to remain alive throughout the winter

Medical definitions for overwintering

[ ō′vər-wĭntər-ĭng ]


The persistence of an infectious agent in its vector for an extended period, as in the cooler winter months, during which the vector has no opportunity to be reinfected or to infect another host.