ordinal number
Also called ordinal numeral.
any of the numbers that express degree, quality, or position in a series, as first, second, and third (distinguished from cardinal number).
a symbol denoting both the cardinal number and the ordering of a given set, being identical for two ordered sets having elements that can be placed into one-to-one correspondence, the correspondence preserving the order of the elements.
Origin of ordinal number
First recorded in 1600–10
Words nearby ordinal number
orderly marketing agreement,
orderly officer,
orderly room,
ordinal number,
ordinal numbers,
ordinal scale,
British Dictionary definitions for ordinal numbers
ordinal number
a number denoting relative position in a sequence, such as first, second, third
Sometimes shortened to: ordinal
logic maths
a measure of not only the size of a set but also the order of its elements
cardinal number
Scientific definitions for ordinal numbers
ordinal number
[ ôr′dn-əl ]
A number, such as 3rd, 11th, or 412th, used in counting to indicate position in a series but not quantity. Compare cardinal number.
Cultural definitions for ordinal numbers
ordinal numbers
Numbers that indicate the order or position of something in a group or set, such as first, second, or fifteenth. (Compare cardinal numbers.)