Idioms for mix

    mix it up, Slang.
    1. to engage in a quarrel.
    2. to fight with the fists.
    Also mix it.

Origin of mix

1470–80; back formation from mixt mixed


1, 9 commingle, jumble, unite, amalgamate, fuse. Mix, blend, combine, mingle concern the bringing of two or more things into more or less intimate association. Mix is the general word for such association: to mix fruit juices. Blend implies such a harmonious joining of two or more types of colors, feelings, etc., that the new product formed displays some of the qualities of each: to blend fragrances or whiskeys. Combine implies such a close or intimate union that distinction between the parts is lost: to combine forces. Mingle usually suggests retained identity of the parts: to mingle voices.
9 coalesce.
14 concoction; formula.


British Dictionary definitions for mix it up

/ (mɪks) /



See also mix-up

Derived forms of mix

mixable, adjective mixability, noun

Word Origin for mix

C15: back formation from mixt mixed, via Old French from Latin mixtus, from miscēre to mix

Idioms and Phrases with mix it up

mix it up

Get in a fight, as in The driver got out and began to mix it up with the other driver. This expression uses mix in referring to physical mingling. [c. 1900]