
[ law-ger-hed, log-er- ]
/ ˈlɔ gərˌhɛd, ˈlɒg ər- /


a thick-headed or stupid person; blockhead.
a ball or bulb of iron with a long handle, used, after being heated, to melt tar, heat liquids, etc.
a rounded post, in the stern of a whaleboat, around which the harpoon line is passed.
a circular inkwell having a broad, flat base.

Idioms for loggerhead

    at loggerheads, engaged in a disagreement or dispute; quarreling: They were at loggerheads over the distribution of funds.

Origin of loggerhead

1580–90; logger block of wood (first attested alone in 18th century) + head


log·ger·head·ed, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for loggerheads

British Dictionary definitions for loggerheads

/ (ˈlɒɡəˌhɛd) /


Also called: loggerhead turtle a large-headed turtle, Caretta caretta, occurring in most seas: family Chelonidae
loggerhead shrike a North American shrike, Lanius ludovicianus, having a grey head and body, black-and-white wings and tail, and black facial stripe
a tool consisting of a large metal sphere attached to a long handle, used for warming liquids, melting tar, etc
a strong round upright post in a whaleboat for belaying the line of a harpoon
archaic, or dialect a blockhead; dunce
at loggerheads engaged in dispute or confrontation

Derived forms of loggerhead

loggerheaded, adjective

Word Origin for loggerhead

C16: probably from dialect logger wooden block + head

Idioms and Phrases with loggerheads


see at loggerheads.