
[ in-tur-nl-ahyz ]
/ ɪnˈtɜr nlˌaɪz /

verb (used with object), in·ter·nal·ized, in·ter·nal·iz·ing.

to incorporate (the cultural values, mores, motives, etc., of another or of a group), as through learning, socialization, or identification.
to make subjective or give a subjective character to.
Linguistics. to acquire (a linguistic rule, structure, etc.) as part of one's language competence.
Also especially British, in·ter·nal·ise.

Origin of internalize

First recorded in 1940–45; internal + -ize

OTHER WORDS FROM internalize

in·ter·nal·i·za·tion, noun qua·si-in·ter·nal·ized, adjective sem·i-in·ter·nal·ized, adjective un·in·ter·nal·ized, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for internalize



/ (ɪnˈtɜːnəˌlaɪz) /


(tr) psychol sociol to make internal, esp to incorporate within oneself (values, attitudes, etc) through learning or socialization Also: interiorize Compare introject

Derived forms of internalize

internalization or internalisation, noun

Medical definitions for internalize

[ ĭn-tûrnə-līz′ ]


To make internal, personal, or subjective.
To take in and adopt as an integral part of one's attitudes or beliefs.

Other words from internalize

in•ter′nal•i•zation (-nə-lĭ-zāshən) n.