
[ verb in-kawr-puh-reyt; adjective in-kawr-per-it, -prit ]
/ verb ɪnˈkɔr pəˌreɪt; adjective ɪnˈkɔr pər ɪt, -prɪt /

verb (used with object), in·cor·po·rat·ed, in·cor·po·rat·ing.

verb (used without object), in·cor·po·rat·ed, in·cor·po·rat·ing.

to form a legal corporation.
to unite or combine so as to form one body.


Origin of incorporate

1350–1400; Middle English < Late Latin incorporātus past participle of incorporāre to embody, incarnate. See in-2, corporate

OTHER WORDS FROM incorporate

in·cor·po·ra·tion, noun in·cor·po·ra·tive, adjective non·in·cor·po·ra·tive, adjective

Definition for incorporate (2 of 2)

incorporate 2
[ in-kawr-per-it, -prit ]
/ ɪnˈkɔr pər ɪt, -prɪt /

adjective Archaic.

Origin of incorporate

First recorded in 1525–35, incorporate is from the Late Latin word incorporātus not embodied. See in-3, corporate

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British Dictionary definitions for incorporate (1 of 2)

incorporate 1

verb (ɪnˈkɔːpəˌreɪt)

to include or be included as a part or member of a united whole
to form or cause to form a united whole or mass; merge or blend
to form (individuals, an unincorporated enterprise, etc) into a corporation or other organization with a separate legal identity from that of its owners or members

adjective (ɪnˈkɔːpərɪt, -prɪt)

combined into a whole; incorporated
formed into or constituted as a corporation

Derived forms of incorporate

incorporative, adjective incorporation, noun

Word Origin for incorporate

C14 (in the sense: put into the body of something else): from Late Latin incorporāre to embody, from Latin in- ² + corpus body

British Dictionary definitions for incorporate (2 of 2)

incorporate 2
/ (ɪnˈkɔːpərɪt, -prɪt) /


an archaic word for incorporeal

Word Origin for incorporate

C16: from Late Latin incorporātus, from Latin in- 1 + corporātus furnished with a body