
[ im-proov-muhnt ]
/ ɪmˈpruv mənt /


an act of improving or the state of being improved.
a change or addition by which a thing is improved.
a person or thing that represents an advance on another in excellence or achievement: The new landlord is a great improvement over his greedy predecessor.
a bringing into a more valuable or desirable condition, as of land or real property; betterment.
something done or added to real property that increases its value.
profitable use, as of a period of time.

Origin of improvement

1400–50; late Middle English improuement < Anglo-French emprouement something profitable (especially exploitation of land). See improve, -ment

OTHER WORDS FROM improvement

non·im·prove·ment, noun pre·im·prove·ment, noun

Example sentences from the Web for improvement

British Dictionary definitions for improvement

/ (ɪmˈpruːvmənt) /


the act of improving or the state of being improved
something that improves, esp an addition or alteration
alteration of the structure, fixtures, fittings, or decor of a building without changing its function Compare conversion (def. 9)
(usually plural) Australian and NZ a building or other works on a piece of land, adding to its value