
[ dih-vel-uhp-muhnt ]
/ dɪˈvɛl əp mənt /


Origin of development

1745–55; develop + -ment, or < French développement

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British Dictionary definitions for development

/ (dɪˈvɛləpmənt) /


the act or process of growing, progressing, or developing
the product or result of developing
a fact, event, or happening, esp one that changes a situation
an area or tract of land that has been developed
Also called: development section the section of a movement, usually in sonata form, in which the basic musical themes are developed
  1. the process of developing pieces
  2. the manner in which they are developed
  3. the position of the pieces in the early part of a game with reference to their attacking potential or defensive efficiency

Derived forms of development

developmental, adjective developmentally, adverb

Medical definitions for development

[ dĭ-vĕləp-mənt ]


The act of developing.
The state of being developed.
A significant event, occurrence, or change.
The natural progression from a previous, simpler, or embryonic stage to a later, more complex, or adult stage.

Other words from development

de•vel′op•mental (-mĕntl) adj.