
[ air-loom ]
/ ˈɛərˌlum /


a family possession handed down from generation to generation.
Law. property neither personal nor real that descends to the heir of an estate as part of the real property.


noting or relating to an old plant variety that is being cultivated again: heirloom vegetables and fruits. Compare heritage(def 6).

Origin of heirloom

First recorded in 1375–1425, heirloom is from the late Middle English word heirlome. See heir, loom1

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British Dictionary definitions for heirloom

/ (ˈɛəˌluːm) /


an object that has been in a family for generations
property law a chattel inherited by special custom or in accordance with the terms of a will

Word Origin for heirloom

C15: from heir + lome tool; see loom 1