
[ bih-kwest ]
/ bɪˈkwɛst /


a disposition in a will.
a legacy: A small bequest allowed her to live independently.

Origin of bequest

1250–1300; Middle English biqueste, biquyste, equivalent to bi- be- + quiste will, bequest, Old English -cwis(se) (with excrescent t, as in behest), noun derivative of cwethan to say; on the model of bequethen bequeath

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British Dictionary definitions for bequest

/ (bɪˈkwɛst) /


  1. the act of bequeathing
  2. something that is bequeathed
law a gift of property by will, esp personal property Compare devise (def. 4), devise (def. 5)

Word Origin for bequest

C14: be- + Old English -cwiss degree; see bequeath