Idioms for go

Origin of go

before 900; Middle English gon, Old English gān; cognate with Old High German gēn, German gehen

British Dictionary definitions for go up (1 of 4)

go up

verb (intr, mainly adverb)

(also preposition) to move or lead to or as if to a higher place or level; rise; increase prices are always going up; the curtain goes up at eight o'clock; new buildings are going up all around us
to be destroyed the house went up in flames
British to go or return (to college or university) at the beginning of a term or academic year

British Dictionary definitions for go up (2 of 4)

/ military /

abbreviation for

general order

British Dictionary definitions for go up (3 of 4)

go 1
/ (ɡəʊ) /

verb goes, going, went or gone (mainly intr)

noun plural goes


(postpositive) informal functioning properly and ready for action: esp used in astronautics all systems are go

Word Origin for go

Old English gān; related to Old High German gēn, Greek kikhanein to reach, Sanskrit jahāti he forsakes

British Dictionary definitions for go up (4 of 4)

go 2


/ (ɡəʊ) /


a game for two players in which stones are placed on a board marked with a grid, the object being to capture territory on the board

Word Origin for go

from Japanese

Idioms and Phrases with go up

go up


Be put up, as in New buildings are going up all over town.


Rise; increase. For example, His temperature is going up at an alarming rate, or The costs of construction are going up all the time. [Late 1800s]


Also, be gone up. Be destroyed, ruined, done for; also, die, be killed. For example, If we're not back in a week, you'll know we've gone up, or In spite of our efforts, the plans for a new library are gone up. [Slang; mid-1800s]


Forget one's lines on the stage or make a mistake in performing music. For example, Don't worry, you know your part and you won't go up, or He went up in the last movement of the sonata. [Slang; 1960s] Also see the subsequent idioms beginning with go up.