glacial epoch
Also called glacial period, ice age.
the geologically recent Pleistocene Epoch, during which much of the Northern Hemisphere was covered by great ice sheets.
any one of the Permian, Carboniferous, Cambrian, or Precambrian glaciations.
Origin of glacial epoch
First recorded in 1840–50
Words nearby glacial epoch
glace bay,
glacial acetic acid,
glacial drift,
glacial epoch,
glacial meal,
glacial milk,
glacial period,
glacial striation,
glacial valley
British Dictionary definitions for glacial period
glacial period
any period of time during which a large part of the earth's surface was covered with ice, due to the advance of glaciers, as in the late Carboniferous period, and during most of the Pleistocene; glaciation
(often capitals)
the Pleistocene epoch
Brit equivalent:
glacial epoch,
ice age