Idioms for target

    on target,
    1. properly aimed or on the right course toward a target.
    2. accurate, correct, or valid: Their description of the event was on target.
    3. filling or meeting a requirement or expectations: The amount of supplies we took was right on target.

Origin of target

1350–1400; Middle English (noun) < Middle French targuete, variant of targete small shield. See targe, -et


tar·get·a·ble, adjective tar·get·less, adjective un·tar·get·a·ble, adjective un·tar·get·ed, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for target

British Dictionary definitions for target

/ (ˈtɑːɡɪt) /


verb -gets, -geting or -geted (tr)

to make a target of
to direct or aim to target benefits at those most in need

Derived forms of target

targetless, adjective

Word Origin for target

C14: from Old French targette a little shield, from Old French targe

Medical definitions for target

[ tärgĭt ]


One to be influenced or changed by an action or event.
A desired goal.
A usually metal part in an x-ray tube on which a beam of electrons is focused and from which x-rays are emitted.
A target organ.

Idioms and Phrases with target


see on target; sitting duck (target).