
[ found ]
/ faʊnd /


simple past tense and past participle of find.
equipped, outfitted, or furnished: He bought a new boat, fully found.


British. provided or furnished without additional charge, as to a tenant; included within the price, rent, etc. (often used postpositively): Room to let, laundry found.


something that is provided or furnished without charge, especially meals given a domestic: Maid wanted, good salary and found.

Definition for found (2 of 4)

found 2
[ found ]
/ faʊnd /

verb (used with object)

to set up or establish on a firm basis or for enduring existence: to found a new publishing company.
to lay the lowest part of (a structure) on a firm base or ground: a house founded on solid rock.
to base or ground (usually followed by on or upon): a story founded on fact.
to provide a basis or ground for.

Origin of found

1250–1300; Middle English founden < Old French fonder < Latin fundāre, derivative of fundus bottom, foundation

Definition for found (3 of 4)

found 3
[ found ]
/ faʊnd /

verb (used with object)

to melt and pour (metal, glass, etc.) into a mold.
to form or make (an article) of molten material in a mold; cast.

Origin of found

1350–1400; Middle English fonden < Middle French fondre to melt, cast < Latin fundere to pour, melt, cast

Definition for found (4 of 4)

Origin of find

before 900; Middle English finden, Old English findan; cognate with German finden, Dutch vinden, Old Norse finna, Gothic finthan


find·a·ble, adjective re·find, verb (used with object), re·found, re·find·ing.

Example sentences from the Web for found

British Dictionary definitions for found (1 of 4)

found 1
/ (faʊnd) /


the past tense and past participle of find


furnished, or fitted out the boat is well found
British with meals, heating, bed linen, etc, provided without extra charge (esp in the phrase all found)

British Dictionary definitions for found (2 of 4)

found 2
/ (faʊnd) /


(tr) to bring into being, set up, or establish (something, such as an institution, society, etc)
(tr) to build or establish the foundation or basis of
(also intr; foll by on or upon) to have a basis (in); depend (on)

Word Origin for found

C13: from Old French fonder, from Latin fundāre, from fundus bottom

British Dictionary definitions for found (3 of 4)

found 3
/ (faʊnd) /

verb (tr)

to cast (a material, such as metal or glass) by melting and pouring into a mould
to shape or make (articles) in this way; cast

Word Origin for found

C14: from Old French fondre, from Latin fundere to melt

British Dictionary definitions for found (4 of 4)

/ (faɪnd) /

verb finds, finding or found (faʊnd) (mainly tr)


a person, thing, etc, that is found, esp a valuable or fortunate discovery

Derived forms of find

findable, adjective

Word Origin for find

Old English findan; related to Old Norse finna, Gothic finthan, Old High German fintan to find

Idioms and Phrases with found
