
[ fluhd-ing ]
/ ˈflʌd ɪŋ /


a form of psychotherapy in which the patient receives abrupt and intense, rather than gradual, exposure to a fear-producing situation.

Origin of flooding

1665–75, for sense “flood”; see flood + -ing1

Definition for flooding (2 of 2)

[ fluhd ]
/ flʌd /


verb (used with object)

verb (used without object)

Origin of flood

before 900; Middle English flod (noun), Old English flōd; cognate with Gothic flōdus, Old High German fluot (German Flut)


1 Flood, flash flood, deluge, freshet, inundation refer to the overflowing of normally dry areas, often after heavy rains. Flood is usually applied to the overflow of a great body of water, as, for example, a river, although it may refer to any water that overflows an area: a flood along the river; a flood in a basement. A flash flood is one that comes so suddenly that no preparation can be made against it; it is usually destructive, but begins almost at once to subside: a flash flood caused by a downpour. Deluge suggests a great downpouring of water, sometimes with destruction: The rain came down in a deluge. Freshet suggests a small, quick overflow such as that caused by heavy rains: a freshet in an abandoned watercourse. Inundation, a literary word, suggests the covering of a great area of land by water: the inundation of thousands of acres.
8, 9 inundate, deluge.


Example sentences from the Web for flooding

British Dictionary definitions for flooding (1 of 4)

/ (ˈflʌdɪŋ) /


the submerging of land under water, esp due to heavy rain, a lake or river overflowing, etc
pathol excessive bleeding from the uterus, as following childbirth
psychol a method of eliminating anxiety in a given situation, by exposing a person to the situation until the anxiety subsides

British Dictionary definitions for flooding (2 of 4)

/ (flʌd) /



Derived forms of flood

floodable, adjective flooder, noun floodless, adjective

Word Origin for flood

Old English flōd; related to Old Norse flōth, Gothic flōdus, Old High German fluot flood, Greek plōtos navigable; see flow, float

British Dictionary definitions for flooding (3 of 4)

Flood 1
/ (flʌd) /


the Flood Old Testament the flood extending over all the earth from which Noah and his family and livestock were saved in the ark. (Genesis 7–8); the Deluge

British Dictionary definitions for flooding (4 of 4)

Flood 2
/ (flʌd) /


Henry . 1732–91, Anglo-Irish politician: leader of the parliamentary opposition to English rule

Medical definitions for flooding

[ flŭdĭng ]


A form of desensitization used in behavior therapy in which the patient imagines or is actually exposed to anxiety-producing stimuli.

Scientific definitions for flooding

[ flŭd ]

A temporary rise of the water level, as in a river or lake or along a seacoast, resulting in its spilling over and out of its natural or artificial confines onto land that is normally dry. Floods are usually caused by excessive runoff from precipitation or snowmelt, or by coastal storm surges or other tidal phenomena.♦ Floods are sometimes described according to their statistical occurrence. A fifty-year flood is a flood having a magnitude that is reached in a particular location on average once every fifty years. In any given year there is a two percent statistical chance of the occurrence of a fifty-year flood and a one percent chance of a hundred-year flood.