
[ fer-oh-mag-net-ik ]
/ ˌfɛr oʊ mægˈnɛt ɪk /

adjective Physics.

noting or pertaining to a substance, as iron, that below a certain temperature, the Curie point, can possess magnetization in the absence of an external magnetic field; noting or pertaining to a substance in which the magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned.

Origin of ferromagnetic

First recorded in 1840–50; ferro- + magnetic

OTHER WORDS FROM ferromagnetic

fer·ro·mag·ne·tism [fer-oh-mag-ni-tiz-uh m] /ˌfɛr oʊˈmæg nɪˌtɪz əm/, noun

British Dictionary definitions for ferromagnetism

/ (ˌfɛrəʊˈmæɡnɪˌtɪzəm) /


the phenomenon exhibited by substances, such as iron, that have relative permeabilities much greater than unity and increasing magnetization with applied magnetizing field. Certain of these substances retain their magnetization in the absence of the applied field. The effect is caused by the alignment of electron spin in regions called domains Compare diamagnetism, paramagnetism See also magnet, Curie-Weiss law

Derived forms of ferromagnetism

ferromagnetic (ˌfɛrəʊmæɡˈnɛtɪk), adjective

Scientific definitions for ferromagnetism

[ fĕr′ō-măgnĭ-tĭz′əm ]

The property of being strongly attracted to either pole of a magnet. Ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, contain unpaired electrons, each with a small magnetic field of its own, that align readily with each other in response to an external magnetic field. This alignment tends to persists even after the magnetic field is removed, a phenomenon called hysteresis. Ferromagnetism is important in the design of electromagnets, transformers, and many other electrical and mechanical devices, and in analyzing the history of the earth's magnetic reversals. Compare diamagnetism paramagnetism.

Other words from ferromagnetism

ferromagnetic adjective (fĕr′ō-măg-nĕtĭk)