
[ fab-ri-keyt ]
/ ˈfæb rɪˌkeɪt /

verb (used with object), fab·ri·cat·ed, fab·ri·cat·ing.

to make by art or skill and labor; construct: The finest craftspeople fabricated this clock.
to make by assembling parts or sections.
to devise or invent (a legend, lie, etc.).
to fake; forge (a document, signature, etc.).

Origin of fabricate

1400–50; late Middle English < Latin fabricātus made, past participle of fabricāre. See fabric, -ate1

synonym study for fabricate

1. See manufacture.


Example sentences from the Web for fabricated

British Dictionary definitions for fabricated

/ (ˈfæbrɪˌkeɪt) /

verb (tr)

to make, build, or construct
to devise, invent, or concoct (a story, lie, etc)
to fake or forge

Derived forms of fabricate

fabrication, noun fabricative, adjective fabricator, noun

Word Origin for fabricate

C15: from Latin fabricāre to build, make, from fabrica workshop; see fabric