
[ eg-zan-thee-muh, ek-san- ]
/ ˌɛg zænˈθi mə, ˌɛk sæn- /

noun, plural ex·an·the·ma·ta [eg-zan-them-uh-tuh, -thee-muh-] /ˌɛg zænˈθɛm ə tə, -ˈθi mə-/, ex·an·the·mas.

Origin of exanthema

First recorded in 1650–60

British Dictionary definitions for exanthema


exanthem (ɛkˈsænθəm)

/ (ˌɛksænˈθiːmə) /

noun plural -themata (-ˈθiːmətə), -themas or -thems

a skin eruption or rash occurring as a symptom in a disease such as measles or scarlet fever

Derived forms of exanthema

exanthematous (ˌɛksænˈθɛmətəs) or exanthematic (ɛkˌsænθɪˈmætɪk), adjective

Word Origin for exanthema

C17: via Late Latin from Greek, from exanthein to burst forth, from anthein to blossom, from anthos flower

Medical definitions for exanthema

[ ĕg′zăn-thēmə ]


A skin eruption occurring as a symptom of an acute viral or coccal disease.
A disease, such as measles or scarlet fever, accompanied by a skin eruption.

Other words from exanthema

ex•an′the•matic (ĭg-zăn′-thə-mătĭk) null adj.