
[ ih-vent ]
/ ɪˈvɛnt /


something that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence, especially one of some importance.
the outcome, issue, or result of anything: The venture had no successful event.
something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time.
Physics. in relativity, an occurrence that is sharply localized at a single point in space and instant of time. Compare world point.
Sports. any of the contests in a program made up of one sport or of a number of sports: The broad jump event followed the pole vault.

Idioms for event

Origin of event

1560–70; < Latin ēventus occurrence, outcome, equivalent to ēven(īre) to occur, come out + -tus suffix of v. action


1 happening, affair, case, circumstance. Event, episode, incident, occurrence are terms for a happening. An event is usually an important happening: historical events. An episode is one of a series of happenings in a person's life or in a narrative: an episode in one's life. An incident is an event of usually minor importance: an amusing incident in a play. An occurrence is something that happens, often by surprise: His arrival was an unexpected occurrence.
2 consequence.


e·vent·less, adjective su·per·e·vent, noun

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British Dictionary definitions for event

/ (ɪˈvɛnt) /



to take part or ride (a horse) in eventing

Word Origin for event

C16: from Latin ēventus a happening, from ēvenīre to come forth, happen, from venīre to come

Idioms and Phrases with event


see blessed event; in any case (event); in case (in the event); in the unlikely event.