The administration is, however, keeping expectations for enrollment numbers comparatively modest this time around.
My personal standards are indeed quite high, but that has nothing to do with my enrollment in the MOC process.
When I became chancellor at The University of Mississippi in 1995, enrollment was declining and I wanted to know why.
Enrollment rates, the Chattanooga Times-Free Press suggests, are in trouble at Bryan.
The company calls them “enrollment advisers,” many of whom are veterans themselves.
The Clayton High School has twelve teachers and an enrollment of 225.
He has slunk from enrollment in the militia, and under the Conscription Act.
The enrollment of one hundred and seventy-six girls in the session of 1888-'89, was the largest in the history of the school.
Free tuition and books are accorded neighborhood pupils under thirteen, that attend regularly after the time of their enrollment.
At that time, the college had an enrollment of only about four hundred students.