
[ ih-lek-troh-mahy-uh-graf, -grahf ]
/ ɪˌlɛk troʊˈmaɪ əˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf /


a device for recording electric currents from an active muscle to produce an electromyogram. Abbreviation: EMG

Origin of electromyograph

First recorded in 1945–50; electro- + myograph

OTHER WORDS FROM electromyograph

e·lec·tro·my·o·graph·ic [ih-lek-troh-mahy-uh-graf-ik] /ɪˌlɛk troʊˌmaɪ əˈgræf ɪk/, adjective e·lec·tro·my·o·graph·i·cal·ly, adverb e·lec·tro·my·og·ra·phy [ih-lek-troh-mahy-og-ruh-fee] /ɪˌlɛk troʊ maɪˈɒg rə fi/, noun

Medical definitions for electromyograph

[ ĭ-lĕk′trō-mīə-graf′ ]


An instrument used in diagnosing neuromuscular disorders that produces an audio or visual record of the electrical activity of a skeletal muscle by means of an electrode inserted into the muscle or placed on the skin.

Other words from electromyograph

e•lec′tro•my•ogra•phy (-mī-ŏgrə-fē) n.