
[ kroh ]
/ kroʊ /


any of several large oscine birds of the genus Corvus, of the family Corvidae, having a long, stout bill, lustrous black plumage, and a wedge-shaped tail, as the common C. brachyrhynchos, of North America.
any of several other birds of the family Corvidae.
any of various similar birds of other families.
(initial capital letter) Astronomy. the constellation Corvus.

Idioms for crow

Origin of crow

before 900; Middle English crowe, Old English crāwe, crāwa; cognate with Old High German krāwa; akin to Dutch kraai, German Krähe


craw crow

British Dictionary definitions for eat crow (1 of 3)

/ (krəʊ) /


plural Crows or Crow a member of a Native American people living in E Montana
the language of this people, belonging to the Siouan family

British Dictionary definitions for eat crow (2 of 3)

crow 1
/ (krəʊ) /


Word Origin for crow

Old English crāwa; related to Old Norse krāka, Old High German krāia, Dutch kraai

British Dictionary definitions for eat crow (3 of 3)

crow 2
/ (krəʊ) /

verb (intr)

(past tense crowed or crew) to utter a shrill squawking sound, as a cock
(often foll by over) to boast one's superiority
(esp of babies) to utter cries of pleasure


the act or an instance of crowing

Derived forms of crow

crower, noun crowingly, adverb

Word Origin for crow

Old English crāwan; related to Old High German krāen, Dutch kraaien

Cultural definitions for eat crow

eat crow

To suffer a humiliating experience: “The organizers had to eat crow when the fair they had sworn would attract thousands drew scarcely a hundred people.” The phrase probably refers to the fact that crow meat tastes terrible.

Idioms and Phrases with eat crow (1 of 2)

eat crow

Also, eat dirt or humble pie. Be forced to admit a humiliating mistake, as in When the reporter got the facts all wrong, his editor made him eat crow. The first term's origin has been lost, although a story relates that it involved a War of 1812 encounter in which a British officer made an American soldier eat part of a crow he had shot in British territory. Whether or not it is true, the fact remains that crow meat tastes terrible. The two variants originated in Britain. Dirt obviously tastes bad. And humble pie alludes to a pie made from umbles, a deer's undesirable innards (heart, liver, entrails). [Early 1800s] Also see eat one's words.

Idioms and Phrases with eat crow (2 of 2)
