
[ dih-spoh-zuhl ]
/ dɪˈspoʊ zəl /


an act or instance of disposing; arrangement: the disposal of the troops.
a disposing of or getting rid of something: the disposal of waste material.
a disposing or allotting of, as by gift or sale; bestowal or assignment: She left no will to indicate the disposal of her possessions.
power or right to dispose of a thing; control: left at his disposal.

Origin of disposal

First recorded in 1620–30; dispose + -al2

Definition for disposal (2 of 2)

disposal 2
[ dih-spoh-zuh l ]
/ dɪˈspoʊ zəl /


an electrical device in the drain of a sink, for grinding up garbage to be washed down the drain.
Also called disposer.

Origin of disposal

short for garbage-disposal; see disposal1

Example sentences from the Web for disposal

British Dictionary definitions for disposal

/ (dɪˈspəʊzəl) /


the act or means of getting rid of something
placement or arrangement in a particular order
a specific method of tending to matters, as in business
the act or process of transferring something to or providing something for another
the power or opportunity to make use of someone or something (esp in the phrase at one's disposal)
a means of destroying waste products, as by grinding into particles
Also (for senses 2–5): disposition

Idioms and Phrases with disposal


see put at someone's disposal.