
[ dis-on-er-uh-buhl ]
/ dɪsˈɒn ər ə bəl /


showing lack of honor or integrity; ignoble; base; disgraceful; shameful: Cheating is dishonorable.
having no honor or good repute; unprincipled; disreputable: a dishonorable man.
Also especially British, dis·hon·our·a·ble.

Origin of dishonorable

First recorded in 1525–35; dis-1 + honorable

SYNONYMS FOR dishonorable

OTHER WORDS FROM dishonorable

dis·hon·or·a·ble·ness, noun dis·hon·or·a·bly, adverb

Example sentences from the Web for dishonourable

British Dictionary definitions for dishonourable


US dishonorable

/ (dɪsˈɒnərəbəl, -ˈɒnrəbəl) /


characterized by or causing dishonour or discredit
having little or no integrity; unprincipled

Derived forms of dishonourable

dishonourableness or US dishonorableness, noun dishonourably or US dishonorably, adverb