
[ kawr-uh-spon-ding, kor- ]
/ ˌkɔr əˈspɒn dɪŋ, ˌkɒr- /


identical in all essentials or respects: corresponding fingerprints.
similar in position, purpose, form, etc.: corresponding officials in two states.
associated in a working or other relationship: a bolt and its corresponding nut.
dealing with correspondence: a corresponding secretary.
employing the mails as a means of association: a corresponding member of a club.

Origin of corresponding

First recorded in 1570–80; correspond + -ing2

OTHER WORDS FROM corresponding

Definition for corresponding (2 of 2)

[ kawr-uh-spond, kor- ]
/ ˌkɔr əˈspɒnd, ˌkɒr- /

verb (used without object)

to be in agreement or conformity (often followed by with or to): His actions do not correspond with his words.
to be similar or analogous; be equivalent in function, position, amount, etc. (usually followed by to): The U.S. Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.
to communicate by exchange of letters.

Origin of correspond

1520–30; < (< Middle French) Medieval Latin corrēspondēre. See cor-, respond

synonym study for correspond

1. Correspond, agree, accord imply comparing persons or things and finding that they harmonize. Correspond suggests having an obvious similarity, though not agreeing in every detail: Part of this report corresponds with the facts. Agree implies having or arriving at a condition in which no essential difference of opinion or detail is evident: All the reports agree. Accord emphasizes agreeing exactly, both in fact and in point of view: This report accords with the other.


cor·re·spond·ing·ly, adverb pre·cor·re·spond, verb (used without object)

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British Dictionary definitions for corresponding

/ (ˌkɒrɪˈspɒnd) /

verb (intr)

(usually foll by with or to) to conform, be in agreement, or be consistent or compatible (with); tally (with)
(usually foll by to) to be similar or analogous in character or function
(usually foll by with) to communicate by letter

Derived forms of correspond

correspondingly, adverb

Word Origin for correspond

C16: from Medieval Latin corrēspondēre, from Latin respondēre to respond